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  • in reply to: Fonts not loading correctly #77234


    Thank you very much for you reply! I will follow the guide you mention above.

    Best regards,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Fonts not loading correctly #76810


    Thank you very much for your fast response.
    Do you have any how-to or tutorial on how to embed the font (assuming I have the .ttf files) into your theme which I can read and implement in my child theme?

    Thank you,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Gap on Mobile #74685


    Thank you very much for your fast response! OK, I will wait for the next theme version.

    Best regards,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Site Logo Very Small on Mobile #67286


    Thank you very much for your support!
    With Fluida 1.5.6 I still had issues but once I updated to it seems that the issue is fixed now. I just left the code commented for a while to confirm that everything is fine.

    Thank you,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Site Logo Very Small on Mobile #66989


    Fixed site logo size shrinking on mobile devices

    I saw that in 1.5.6 change log says that this issue should be fixed but unfortunately it did not worked for me. I’m still using my CSS code above to fix it. Not a big deal though. Just wanted to let you know.

    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: 1.5.5. Submenu Not Working #66988


    Thank you for this update and the fix! It worked for me!

    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: 1.5.5. Submenu Not Working #65324


    What about the lines of code in my post above? Why commenting them fixed the problem at my site?

    Thank you,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: 1.5.5. Submenu Not Working #65194


    I think I found a temporary solution until the next theme update that will fix the issue. At least it seems to be working on my site. Try it for yourself and see if it works for you too:

    Open the following file: ‘./wordpress/wp-content/themes/fluida/resources/js/frontend.js’
    In function ‘fluida_menu_animate()’ (line 66) go to line 88. The code should look like this:

    jQuery('#access ul').find('a').on( 'focus blur', function() {
        jQuery( this ).parents( '.menu-item, .page_item' ).toggleClass( 'menu-hover' );

    Comment these 3 lines (88, 89, 90), delete browser cache and reload the page.

    Hope this temporary fix will help for you too!

    Best Regards,
    Vasil Krastev

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by vasskion.
    in reply to: Site Logo Very Small on Mobile #64950

    Here is a CSS code snippet showing how I solved it on my end. Hope it helps!

    /* Fixed Small Logo on Mobile */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
    #branding .identity img {
    height: 90%;
    width: 110px;

    in reply to: 1.5.5. Submenu Not Working #64810

    I have issues on my laptop – Dell XPS15. I tried to clear the cache of all my browsers but it did not help. I can record a video to show you the issue.
    When I use Chrome and click on a submenu the menu hides and gets immediately expanded again and nothing else happens. When I tried Chrome on another laptop the sub menus work but the corresponding menu gets expanded again after I click on a sub item.
    When I use FireFox or IE I have to click twice on the sub menu for it to take effect. The first time it just does nothing – only the menu hides.
    On mobile version everything is OK.
    I also use Anima theme on another site of mine and with its menus everything is OK. I also tried to switched the Anima site to Fluida too but the same error appeared right on the Live Preview…

    Do you have any idea what can I do to fix it? Should I wipe all settings and restore them? Will switching themes will work?

    in reply to: Site Title Bug #63558

    Did you try changing the values for ‘width’ and ‘font-size’? Probably my values will not work for you.

    Also ‘max-width’ and ‘min-width’ should be adjusted too. Try
    to determine your browser resolution so that you can put the correct values.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by vasskion.
    in reply to: Site Title Bug #63556


    I have a similar problem and have already posted it here:

    I kind of solved my issue by adding the following code into the Custom CSS field in the theme settings:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) and (min-width: 451px) {
    /* Site Title and Text on mobile */
    #site-text {
    font-size: 16px;
    display: inline-block;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 450px) {
    /* Site Title and Text on mobile */
    #site-text {
    font-size: 15px;
    width: 190px;
    display: inline-block;

    Be careful though because the different devices have different screen size of their browsers and you will probably have to define some more lines like these for different resolution sets.

    Best Regards,
    Vasil Krastev


    in reply to: Not English Font Problems #63491

    Yes, Futura is not present in Google Fonts. I select it from the drop down menu of the theme settings. The site works fine for several desktops which do not have this font installed.

    I ran through all font settings in the Typography sub menu and noticed that none of them was able to change the font of Landing Page Featured boxes.

    Is this font fixed? Could you please make a setting for it too?

    Thank you,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Comments Translations #63490


    I solved my issues by adding and modifying the .po and .mo files in ‘wordpress/wp-content/languages/themes’.

    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Not English Font Problems #61528

    Something very strange happened… I used ‘Open Sans’ font for a while and now decided to play around again with the ‘Futura’ font. When I switched to it everything looks just fine even for cyrillic. I tried with other fonts that were not working before and they all look fine now…

    P.S. Because I was experiencing an issue with the widget screen looks I had to deactivate and then activate again qTranslateX plugin. Could this be the case for fixing the fonts…?

    in reply to: Not English Font Problems #61359

    Thank you very much for your reply!
    I am trying to use ‘Futura’ font. It turned out that only text which use ‘General Font’ theme settings is broken.

    I tried your suggestion as: Futura&subset=cyrillic,cyrillic-ext
    But it did not work… Then I select ‘Open Sans’ from the theme recommended fonts. This looks most similar to ‘Futura’ so I could leave it this way.

    Still if you know how to make the ‘Futura’ font work I will be very grateful!

    Thank you,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: No drop down menu highlight #56752

    Hello again,

    I just noticed that even the Fluida theme Demo on your site has no menu highlight…
    Have you noticed this?

    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: No drop down menu highlight #55982

    Still does not work. I even disabled the cache plugin and there is no highlight… The result is the same on IE, Mozilla and Chrome.

    in reply to: Featured Image Incorrect Resolution #46794

    Hello again,

    I can add some more details to my analysis:

    1. I tried to use add_filter( ‘fluida_featured_srcset’, __return_false ); as suggested in other posts – no change.
    2. Then replaced the original featured image 450*x300.jpg and 512*300.jpg with the retina image *x300@2x.jpg and that fixed the problem!
    3. After that I commented the following lines in the setup.php:
    `// Custom image size for use with post thumbnails
    add_image_size( ‘fluida-featured’,
    ceil($fluids[‘fluida_sitewidth’]), //apply_filters( ‘fluida_featured_image_width’, fluida_featured_width() ),
    apply_filters( ‘fluida_featured_image_height’, $fluids[‘fluida_fheight’] ),

    add_image_size( ‘fluida-featured-third’,
    apply_filters( ‘fluida_featured_image_third_width’, 512 ),
    apply_filters( ‘fluida_featured_image_third_height’, $fluids[‘fluida_fheight’] ),
    This one also fixed the problem as it stopped generating the small featured images below 600×400 resolution.

    My final assumption is that somehow the theme does not load any retina images below 600×400 resolution no matter if they exist or not… Do you know where might be the root cause for this? Any ideas how to fix it?

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by vasskion.
    in reply to: Another featured image issue #46690

    I also have the same issue. It does look uglier than before with the bigger res images.

    Is it possible to exclude generating of the smaller crops?
    Is there a way to add a drop down box in the post configuration tab to choose which image or minimum res to be loaded?

    in reply to: Some animation effects suddenly dissappeared #42743


    The problem was seen even with the cache plugin disabled so the minify thing is not the case.
    Still I do not understand one thing: I use to show the post list as excerpt and limited it to 10 words. Why does the page tries to show/load some widgets at the end of the post which should not be visible in the excerpt?

    The most stupid and easiest solution I found was to add a google maps widget on the left side panel. This caused the google API to be loaded everywhere including the home page. I made some arrangements to the widget so that it is not visible.

    I do not know how to load the google API other way.

    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Some animation effects suddenly dissappeared #42337

    I finally found the root cause for the problem. I use Google Maps plugin to display routes in some of my posts. When there is a list of posts the following error is generated which causes the html code to stop:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘libraries’ of undefined
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (js-map.min.js?ver=1.7.2:1)
    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)

    I guess something does not wait for google visualization to finish loading its libraries before it uses them. Any ideas how to fix this…?

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by vasskion.
    in reply to: Some animation effects suddenly dissappeared #42294

    OK, after a lot of experiments I can say for sure that the animations are missing only when there is a list of posts – displaying posts from a certain category or recent posts on the home page. No matter what I do or what configurations I change somehow this list of posts spoils the animation effects on every page/place it is present.

    Do you have any idea how can I fix this issue?

    Thank you,
    Vasil Krastev

    in reply to: Some animation effects suddenly dissappeared #42225

    I noticed something that could lead you to the root cause…

    On Customizing ▸ Landing Page -> when I disable the Post option (Show or hide posts on the landing page.) the animation with color accent on hover over the feature boxes get visible again. When I enable Post it dissappears…

    The slide animation on the main menu is not visible on the Home page only. On all other pages/posts it works correctly.

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