Using gtranslate and fluidia for RTL sites

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  • #99660


    I want to use Gtranslate Plugin to translate my site from Hebrew to English and index the translated pages.

    Currently, I am using the Hebrew wordpress interface and the site is aligned to the right as it should be. However, Last time I used Gtranslate it didn’t align the page correctly in english. So I gave up because lack of time.

    Now I want to try again. They say I have to edit the CSS, but I am not sure where and how.



    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by etay2k.
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I am not familiar with that plugin. Is it a multilanguage plugin?

    Who is “they” and have they also indicated in what way the CSS needs to be edited?

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.


    The pro version of that plugin actually fixes that.

    Sorry for not updatig you 🙁

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