User Profile Background Color

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  • #27885

    For some reason the member profile background color is white as opposed to the black background color that i opted do i fix that, i have tried everything.

    Example here

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Those grey/white areas are part of BuddyPress’ styling.
    Use a tool like Firebug to inspect elements and figure out the tags/classes/ids you need to override with CSS.

    #buddypress tr.alt td, #buddypress table.messages-notices tr.alt td, #buddypress table.notifications tr.alt td, #buddypress table.notifications-settings tr.alt td, #buddypress table.profile-fields tr.alt td, #buddypress table.profile-settings tr.alt td, #buddypress table.wp-profile-fields tr.alt td {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #222;

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