Update to 1.2.1 issue

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  • #26443

    Was this just me, or did anyone else get the following error when updating to 1.2.1 using the WP updater:

    Broken Themes
    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    Tempera Template is missing.

    Easy fix with a clean load, but I wondered if this was an issue specifically with me, or a more general one. If it WAS just me, any idea what might have caused it?


    ~ Wayfarer


    Thanks for keep us updating, i just wanna appreciate your great job.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Hi guys,

    Files at WordPress.org are held on 4 different servers and once in a blue moon it happens that the theme files on one of those servers get corrupted. Since every time you click download you get the files from a different server, you sporadically download the corrupted version of the theme.

    So the best solution when this happens is to download the files again (or re-install the theme from the dashboard again). This usually fixes the problem as you’re probably getting the files from a different server which has the correct theme files.

    Anyway, we’ve already submitted a notice to the WordPress Theme Repository Team and they’ll rebuild the theme files on all the servers. We’ll let you know when that happens.

    Thanks for the quick notice Wayfarer!

    Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
    Please read the FAQs: MantraNirvanaParabolaTempera
    Tutorials: custom menustranslating themeinstalling themecategory page with introdisabling comments Wordpress: child themescategories/posts
    Before making any modifications to your theme we strongly recommend using Child Themes.
    John Tran

    Yes I have the same problem

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Hi guys,

    With the new 1.2.2 version this is not a problem anymore.

    Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
    Please read the FAQs: MantraNirvanaParabolaTempera
    Tutorials: custom menustranslating themeinstalling themecategory page with introdisabling comments Wordpress: child themescategories/posts
    Before making any modifications to your theme we strongly recommend using Child Themes.


    You guys rock (as always)! 🙂

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