Trying to modify home page after selecting static front page

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    I’m a 2nd year IT student just finishing up my Associates and for my mandatory internship, I’m working with a client who wishes to move her organization’s site from their current CMS to WordPress. Her wish is to have a splash page in the front which can lead to a secondary page that looks like their current homepage but contains a slideshow.

    At first, I attempted to use plugins for the splash screen while maintaining the presentation page. And then I attempted to change the built-in option to a static front page going to a posts page. I’ve utilized a plugin allowing me to add widgets to other pages, but I’ve had issues with trying to modify the .php file used for the posts page in order to insert the code to add in the nivo slider because I want to specifically target the page that the splash page goes to.

    If this isn’t possible, I’m open to suggestions. I just don’t want to let my client down.

    Thank you for your time.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    In Tempera, the presentation page will always be the homepage when enabled, and it is automatically disabled if you set a static page as your homepage (this is a WordPress rule requirement).

    If you’re trying to use the homepage as a different (not home) page, that is not possible.

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