Translation "continue read"

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  • #91671

    I use WP in French. For the translation of the theme (Verbosa) I included a file fr_FR.po (at the same place in the theme folder where there was already a German de_DE.po) with the plugin Loco Translate. I was able to translate just about everything that was left in English. Except the “continue read ->” buttons on the home page (WP setting of the home page: The last articles).
    In the file fr_FR.po, I translated “continue read”.
    Is there anything else I have to do?
    I saw the topic that already speaks but I have not found an option to edit the text.
    Thank you for reading, and sorry if my English is bad.


    Ok, I found!
    In the settings of the theme >> Post Information >> Excerpts. This is the last option.

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