Top/Secondary Title formatting

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  • #25464

    My client would like me to insert a definition into the Top Title field, formatted to LOOK like a standard dictionary definition. In order to do this, I believe I’d need support for either html tags/symbols or for jpg images…and it appears that the Top Title doesn’t support either of these.

    Please, is there a way to insert either html or images into the Top Title box?



    As a stop-gap, I’ve unhidden the nivo slider (client expressly does NOT want a slider) and inserted just the one image (with no link). This is…..alright, except that I haven’t figured out the correct CSS for hiding the back/next navigation buttons that appear over the slide or the slide indicator graphic immediately beneath it.

    If I could hide those elements, this would be an acceptable solution. But I’d still prefer to use the Top Title field with html characters or images.

    Please, can anyone help with this?

    Thank you!


    Okay, so I was just a little slow to notice the toggles in the Parabola settings for turning off display of those slider controls.

    Carry on. Nothing more to see here 🙂

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