Text color in comments

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  • #7871
    Major Stewart

    I am seeing color changing options for nearly everything EXCEPT the comments display. I am using dark colors on the site and comments appear with a white background and light gray text color. Impossible to read. (example: http://www.veganistry.com/garantita/)
    Am I missing the option to change colors?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You are not seeing that option because it does not exist (yet) 🙂

    You’ll have to use custom CSS to customize the areas that do not have built-in options:

    .entry-meta {
    background-color: #444444;
    border: 2px solid #666666;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #222222;
    .entry-meta .comments-link {
    background: #353535;
    box-shadow: none;

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
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    Major Stewart

    Thanks. Looking forward to seeing the new options. I assumed custom CSS, but I do not do much CSS styling. You code affects the meta bar at the top of the post. I am asking about the comments box following the post. How do I change text color there?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    .commentlist li.comment {
    background: #2B2B2B;
    border-color: #444444;
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #222222; }
    .commentlist li.comment:hover { background: #333; }
    .commentlist .children li { border-color: #444; }
    ##respond { border-color: #444; }

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
    Major Stewart


    Thanks for bailing me out!

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