Can someone help me get my social media links to work? I typed in my fb page and the page # but the fb link just spins when you click on it and it goes right back to the website.
Thanks in advance.
You have to copy&paste your FB address to link field in Nirvana settings. Forget #. It is placeholder only meaning “this place”. When you leave # as address, correspondent social icon appears but has no apparent effect when clicked as it points to the address you already are (“this place”).
Having the same problem as above. I’ve removed the # and it’s still just flipping over to the main page of the website when Youtube and Twitter Icons are selected. Thanks for any help.
On the “Social Media Settings” page, I cleared both of the text fields on the ones I didn’t need and “saved changes.” It seems like leaving the default “About me” selected in the dropdown, but clearing out the fields to the right makes it disappear.
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