The “read more” button and the text on the slider is not responsive up untill a certain resolution. When browsing in normal hd (1920 width) the “read more” button on the slider is visable. When the resolution is smaller (or the browser is made smaller) the “read more” button disappears. Not untill the size of the browser is made really small does the “read more” button appear again.
Same with the text, it doesn’t become smaller untill the window is reduced a lot (like more than half the size of the original). This is annoying as visitors (with lower resolutions) complain that the “read more” button is not there and part of the text is disappeared.
This is the site:
Responsiveness is activated.
Here are two screen captures showing the problem:
Correct responsiveness (full width)

Incorrect responsiveness (smaller width) (Button has disappeared)

Incorrect responsiveness (even smaller width) (Button has disappeared and text too)

Correct responsiveness (very small, probably mobile)

This topic was modified 8 years ago by