Slider – doesn't show on frontpage?

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  • #34156

    Hi there
    I am working on the Nirvana, and have set up all info to the slider – only thing is, that the slider doesn’t show anywhere, even tho it’s enabled – what am I doing wrong?

    Thank you 🙂

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I see the slider works correctly now. Are you still having issues?

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    Hoping you can point me in the right direction. The slider does not appear on the presentation page. I have it enabled, pics. etc.. Any advice?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Dave, you use a static page on the homepage, as a result the theme’s presentation page (which houses the slider) is disabled.

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    I’ve taken over role of webmaster for a website. The old webmaster created a slider for the homepage. I would like to change an image in the slider but I don’t know how to gain access to it. Any ideas?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Christopher, the slider is configurable in the theme’s settings page, under Appearance > Nirvana Settings. If you’ve recently updated WordPress but not the theme too, read this first.

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