simple CR prevents plugin from working

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  • #9893
    Klaus Steuding

    mantra as well as parabola are absolutely phantastic and there are only some tiny issues to be fixed before i will pay for your great work. one is, that is doesn’t correctly work with a jquery based plugin called collapse-o-matic.

    this is it’s syntax:
    [expand title=”“this is the shown text excerpt“” swaptitle=”“this is the complete text, shown if clicking the excerpt“”] [/expand]

    I#m using this plugin on a a free theme showing customer feedbacks.

    The same code, inserted via copy and paste on Mantra or Parabola has issues as soon as it hits a CR.
    [expand title=”“if this text contains a CR like this,

    the complete text is ignored.“” swaptitle=”“this is the complete text, shown if clicking the excerpt“”] [/expand]

    here is an example of it:

    Also you see, that the sidebar from the right has swapped to the left and the end which is really not useable.

    Now i am really interested, how fast you will respond that you’ve fixed that issue.

    best regards,
    Klaus 🙂

    Klaus Steuding

    Hi cryout team,
    to easily see the differences between working and not, i made two example pages:
    here the code is working on the andrina theme:

    and her, the exact codes shows the issue on the mantra or parabola theme:

    at the same time, i will remove the example urls of the above example.
    regards, Klaus

    Klaus Steuding

    good news! after a fresh install of WP 3.6 and all my plugins, the collapse-o-matic issue has gone. everything works fine now, so this call could also be cloded 🙂

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