Sidebars not showing up.

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  • #12637

    I haven’t been able to get the sidebars to show up when using any of the different Main Layout styles. I don’t have any custom page templates, and I’ve tried it with all plug-in’s off. Sidebars are still working with other WordPress themes as well.

    I’ve tried making just a simple text box in the left and right sidebars but I don’t see it.

    Any help or other tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


    One extra note. The sidebars I made show up (just say “test” on them) on all the posts, but do not show up on the presentation (main) page. I can’t figure out what setting might be causing them to not show up on the front page. Thanks again.


    Hi DS


    It can’t be done on the presentation page.

    You can basically either use the Presentation page or not on which you can choose to display or not display the footer widgets. Other than that you can disable presentation page and create your own with sidebars.

    Was discussed here:

    I hope this helps


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