Septera Theme

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  • #42447
    Power User

    Giving the new Septera theme a run on a new website but there is no dedicated forum for the theme yet. I have struck a problem.

    On the Landing Page it has decided to include posts even though they are not specified, and there are two instances. The offending code would indicate that it is part of this structure:

    • First instance
      <section class="lp-boxes lp-boxes-2 lp-boxes-static lp-boxes-rows-1">
    • Second instance directly under the first:
      <section id="lp-posts">

    This prevents me from using the way I want the ‘Featured Box’ functionality. The current setup should not have any posts.

    Any thoughts?


    Power User

    Right – after exploring somewhat further I locatd the issue with class “lp-boxes’ and it is fixed.

    The class lp-posts I now understands comes from the latest posts. Is it possible to do two things:

    • Enable turning on/off the ability to have this feature appear at the bottom of the landing page;
    • Enable the number of posts from the above feature displayed on the landing page to be set independantly of Dashboard>Settings>Reading>Blog pages show at most setting. On thge landing page I might only want to show the lastest (say) 2 posts but on category page I may want to show 10/page


    Cryout Creations mastermind


    Unfortunately themes on don’t allow turning off the posts on the landing page, or change the number of posts to show. We’re working on a workaround but it looks like the only way to implement this would be via a Plus version of the theme where we could do all the wild things we can think of.

    Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
    Please read the FAQs: MantraNirvanaParabolaTempera
    Tutorials: custom menustranslating themeinstalling themecategory page with introdisabling comments Wordpress: child themescategories/posts
    Before making any modifications to your theme we strongly recommend using Child Themes.


    Firstly I 100% love Septera. I’ve been using Nirvana for ages and Fluida before that.

    Yeah the ability to switch off posts on the landing page is a must have.

    Didn’t the Cryout Serious Theme Settings code allow this kinda thing?

    Hope you can sort ASAP as its the only show-stopper I can see.



    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Robert.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Robert.

    Unfortunately themes on don’t allow turning off the posts on the landing page, or change the number of posts to show.

    I posted a new topic about this one–couldn’t tell the issue from the title of this post. Is there a workaround? I’m using, not .org.


    Found it! Landing page->Featured Box Top: Set “boxes content” to DISABLED.


    Oops, you have to do the same thing for Featured Box Bottom.

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