Request : Options to Featured boxes

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  • #106760
    Power User

    Would be good to have the option to choose if one wants to show the latest, random or most popular posts when using the featured boxes.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    We did consider such an option when we created the landing page’s functionality, but decided not to include it because we didn’t have many possible configuration values for it.
    WordPress doesn’t have a popularity attribute – what criteria would be this based on? most views? (WordPress itself doesn’t log views), most comments? (comments are a separate post type).
    We did, however, include a anima_boxes_query_args filter that can be used to directly customize the WP Query as needed. Below are the existing parameters that are passed along to the query:

    	$args = apply_filters( 'anima_boxes_query_args', array(
    		'showposts' => $options['anima_lpboxcount' . $sid],
    		'cat' => cryout_localize_cat( $cat ),
    		'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
    		'lang' => cryout_localize_code()
    	), $options['anima_lpboxcat' . $sid], $sid );
            $custom_query->query( $args );

    $sid is the section’s number (1, 2 or 3 for boxes).

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    Power User

    Thank you for your reply.
    Guess it is just what i was used to with Joomla 🙂
    Have found alternative ways of showing those options, also shouldn’t really add any more to the landing page, have enough there now.

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