Remove White Space Between Header and Content

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  • #42574

    I was able to hide the titles on my website, but now there is a large white line between my header and my page content. I’d like this removed throughout the entire site, but can’t figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Use this custom styling:

    .page article.hentry .article-inner, .page article.hentry .entry-content {
        padding-top: 0;
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Zed. Reason: Corrected answer

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    Hi Zed, Ive got this same issue, the fix you provided does not seem to work on my setup though.

    Here is an example of my page:

    the homepage works fine, the image starts within a reasonable space from the bottom of header.

    but on a different page, the spacing is way too big for mine, and my clients liking.

    This page is my main concern,

    As you can see, the white space below the header and before the start of the picture is much bigger.

    Any idea how I can fix this?

    Thank You!


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You have two empty lines before the image on the second page. WordPress automatically converts empty lines (in the backend) to <br> tags on the frontend.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
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    Ah They were the html and body tag, guess i didnt need them.

    My last problem has to do with the responsiveness with the portrait view on mobile, my logo on the left there gets overlapped by the social links, and then the homepage’s 3 columns of text, gets overlapped by the footer.

    Any insights as to the problem of this? Suspect its the markup of the 3 columns in the pages content/text area? Any tips would be extremely helpful! Thank you!


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