Read more link doesn't play nice with more tag

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  • #42844
    Power User

    I like Septra so far. Thank you! I miss the settings feature of your older themes but you’ve done a good job working with the WP customization feature.

    Minor cosmetic bug: If I choose to show the full post on the landing page – Customizing ▸ Post Information –
    Excerpts set to Full Post, and the posts all employ a <!–more–> tag for finer control over where the intro text ends.

    On the longer intros the “Read More: button floats over the bottom row of text. I set it back to “Exerpt and just bumped up the excerpt length as a workaround.

    I have 2 columns set for posts.

    This site is under development and not advertised yet. We may change the theme after I get input from others, so if it isn’t still Septra a few days from now that’s why.


    Power User

    I don’t see a way to edit the above report. The title should say “Read more link doesn’t play nice with MORE tag”. my literal copy of the tag filtered out the text.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    We’ll look into this.

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