Optimizepress conflict

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  • #42516

    Hi dears,

    I really like it your Fluida theme, but after all set ups are ready, one week after I can´t work on it anymore, I receive this message when I try to configure the head on theme – : Call to undefined function is_le_page() in /home/storage/2/4f/35/theoutlier/public_html/wp-content/plugins/optimizePressPlugin/lib/framework.php on line 1205

    Some one knows hoe to fix it?

    I use optmizepress on my 3 sites, I compare this line 1205 at the other, what use another themes, and have any modification, it is the same configuration, and the themes works fine.

    thanks a lot,


    Website: www.theoutlier.com.br

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The error message comes from one of the plugin’s files and it references a function – is_le_page() – that is not part of the theme. Because of this I see no probable cause for the theme to cause this error.

    Does switching to a different theme (one of the Twenties) on that specific site resolve the problem?

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