Nirvana header image and custom logo dimensions

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    I’ve been looking all over for the default width of the header image so I can upload the proper size image. Is that 1200 px? Does the 150 default header height correspond to the image, or should I subtract 35 from that to get the right height of the image? If I upload a custom logo instead of a full header image, how does this work? If I choose custom logo as the header, what size does the logo need to be? I would try these options myself to see the result, but I’m completely blind. I’m hoping someone will give me the numbers and other info I need to hire someone to prepare the header image and/or a custom logo.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The custom logo has no size recommendations or restrictions. It should be the right size to just fit in your header area in the way you want it to.

    The header image needs to the configured height (the Header Height option) and configured width (the total site width as resulted from the options set under Layout). Since WordPress 4.3 you can also chose not to crop the header image when setting it.

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
    Udi Burg

    Ok, tried to upload custom logo but it won’t show up on the header image.
    Why is that?
    See here:

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