I was wondering if I could get some help altering the slideshow. What I’d like to do with it is display something similar to the slideshow from this website: http://www.elon.edu/home/ ..I tried altering the slideshow and got it displayed similar to that; however, I could not figure out how to resizing the image. Essentially what I want to do is resize the images in the slideshow to 600x400px. I’d then like to (with the remaining space in the slideshow) display the information about the slide, the title and text. I really love the look of that slider from the above website and want to modify mine to be similar to that one. I tried playing around with this for several hours and got something similar but not quite what I was looking for so I gave up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just a suggestion. Why don’t you make your slide in a program like Photoshop or PaintNET or similar at 600 High by 1200 wide or whatever, color it if you want,then layer in your 600×400 photo. Then layer in your text. Save this as a PSD file so you can move or adjust the layers if you need to. Then save it as your jpg or gif for the slide and upload
That’s what most folks do with things like this….
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