Mobile presentation page images distorted

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  • #12892
    Steve Goodall


    Great theme, but since I upgraded to version 2.2.0 the four Presentation Page Columns images on the Presentation page are distorted in the mobile version.

    can you help?



    Jason Schwartz

    I also have this problem, and it is NOT fixed in Mantra v 2.2.1.

    Here’s what I think is the problem: in the Presentation Page settings, the Number of Columns should break up the content div evenly (with margins, outlines, etc.) and the Image Height value should be used to create proportions (i.e. 3 columns into 900 content width = 300px width for example and height = 150 pxls means we are expecting 2:1 (w:h) proportions on images.) If there were 4 columns and 900 pxls then the image proportions would be 225:150

    Now with responsive: the columns are not fixed and the image height is all messed up because the proportions are recalculated on every device screen size.

    Please help us, get this fixed by simply adding a css width of a percentage rather than a hard width…let the height be fixed on all screens and re-calc the width percentage dynamically for each screen type…then put the result into a variable number of columns based also on screen type. — most of the response re-column management is handles automatically, but the image width has to be a percentage not hard-set as a value.

    Again, please repair the presentation page column image handling…you are killin’ us responsive users!


    I am having the same exact problem on mobile items. My new client is complaining about this. Please fix this issue. Thank you.


    I’m having this problem as well. I found an easy fix, but it will get erased on the next Mantra update, so please include it with your update:

    in the style-mobile.css file ->
    line #78 currently reads: #front-columns .column-image {height:auto;}
    I removed the “height:auto” and replaced it with “width:100%”

    The images now look fine on my mobile device.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    We know about this issue affecting some of the mobile browsers and we’ll get it fixed.

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