Here’s a weird one for ya. Embedded audio files have lost their controls – well, actually they’re invisible. I’m using the plugin “Sermon Browser” and at first I thought the problem was there. I swapped the plugin with another and the same thing happened. I again swapped it out with just a media file and yes the same result. I’ve looked in CSS files and can’t seem to find where the option is located. After working on this for about a week, I’m quickly running out of options on what to try. I will admit, I’m VERY new to WordPress and a novice at best when it comes to coding, however, I do have SOME experience in web design just because I had to learn for my job. I know just enough to get by which makes me a little dangerous! I love these themes as a matter of fact I’m using Nirvana and Tempera on 2 other sites. I’m totally aware that the Parabola theme may not be the issue, but I thought I’d give the forum a try and see if anyone else had run into the same problem. Thanks in advance for any information – even if it’s a “Sorry bro!” Below is the link of the page in question.