Mantra causing internal server error

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  • #12593
    D.R. Slaten

    So I was trying to get the dash that shows up in my browser tab before my website name by messing with the /mantra/includes/theme-seo.php. As soon as I did, I got an internal server error. So, if I delete the current version and download the default again, will the theme-seo go back to the way it was before I broke the internet? Is it something about mantra?

    I am totally computer illiterate and maybe shouldn’t have been messing around with the editor. And I really like the mantra theme- I’ve been using it for about a month. And I really want the mantra theme for my website. So any help, ideas, suggestions or just telling me I’m way off base and relieving my mind would be great. Tell me there isn’t a problem with mantra and it’s just my goof. Please.

    So. There. Ummm, HELP?!?!?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Re-download the theme and overwrite any files you’ve edited or all files. Settings are saved in the database and are not affected.

    Also, read this about that dash.

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