Make the logo responsive

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  • #36263

    Hi ! I am using Mantra theme with a presentation page, and my logo on the header. When I go to the website with a smartphone, the logo on the header is way too big. How could I make it responsive for the smartphone ?

    Thank you everyone !

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Could you provide a link to your site?

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    Michael Matthews

    I’ve been out for a while, but just getting back into designing. It’s a good question he has, I was wondering the same thing, it seems the logo is not responsive. I don’t have my site up and running to give a link to it but if you absoultely need one to evaluate, I could make the website live temporarily maybe. I don’t know when you’d be looking though, and wouldn’t want it live long since it’s incomplete.

    If you have any ideas off hand they may really help, or maybe it’s a new feature yall can look into?


    I’m having the same issue using the Nirvana Theme. The custom logo i am using is only 270 pix wide so that it appears correct in the desktop version, but when going to a mobile device or sizing my browser to a mobile size the logo then becomes responsive thus pixilating the image. I do not have the “Force header image responsiveness” enabled. i also tried adding this code which i saw on another thread but it didn’t fix it.

    @media (max-width: 270px) {
    #branding, .topmenu { width:100%; }
    #bg_image {width:100%;}
    #header-container > div {height:100%;}

    I can upload a logo that is bigger so when it becomes responsive it will still look good, but i only want it to be or appear as 270px X 110px on the desktop version.
    Any suggestions?


    Hi, I am having the same problem as Ben — my header logo is not responsive (using Mantra theme). I have uploaded a header image of exactly 1100 × 75 pixels as required by the Mantra theme. It looks great through a desktop browser, but through a mobile browser the image is “squished.” Here is my site:

    Thanks in advance,


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Enable the “Keep header image aspect ratio” checkbox in the theme’s settings (under Header) and see if that improves things.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
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    thanks, that fixed my problem!!

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