Main menu drop down on presentation page

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  • #15593


    Thanks for this great theme 🙂

    We have noticed that because we have quite a few things in the drop down menu, on the presentation page, it goes under the slider navigation control (the dots). Is there anyway to make the drop down menu be on top?

    We have also noticed that some users with IE 9 seem to have compatibility mode on IE7, which makes the dropdown hide been the whole slider control. Is there any thing we could do about this?

    Many Thanks

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I confirm the overlapping issue. We’ll solve that in the next update after 0.9.5 (which is already published).

    IE9 in compatibility mode actually renders things as IE7. Since IE7 lacks knowledge of a lot of CSS and HTML the theme uses, the only way to solve this is to remove compatibility mode (view)

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    I’m having this overlapping issue, running version 0.9.6. As well as the dots on the presentation, I have a page with embedded flash and it also shows ontop of the drop down menu.

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