#lp Text Area – bg image and text behaviours stopped

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  • #66255

    Hi there,

    Struggling to work out what on earth has gone wrong here. Basically I used a search/replace plugin to change all http://[mysite] links to https, and since doing so the landing page text areas no longer fucnction right, with 2 issues:

    1) the darkening overlay is not appliced to the featured page image background
    2) The text is not made white

    How can I fix this?!


    Website: litmuslife.com


    I’m guessing whatever CSS causes this behaviour is no longer linked to the right location or something….

    Power User

    Me too.
    The following HTML seems not to be outputted.
    It is output at the official demo site.

    `<div class=”lp-box-overlay”>

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by deg_hh.
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I don’t see the indicated issues on the site. Did you resolve this?

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Only a workaround. Custom CSS for white text, just a darkened JPEG for picture

    Power User

    My site is still private.
    The following code is output.

    ‘<section class=”lp-text” id=”lp-text-two” style=”background-image: url(xxx.jpg);” >
    ‘ <div class=”lp-text-inside”>
    ‘ <h2 class=”lp-text-title”>title</h2>

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    We’ve removed the darkening overlay in the last theme update – the text areas have always been designed to be used with patterns/textures as background.

    If needed for visibility, images can be manually lightened/darkened before being used on the text areas.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
    Power User

    It was understood.
    But this setting item is still left and might invite confusion.
    In addition, it is hard that a text (mainly a title and contents) is not displayed well when I do not use the custom CSS.
    Because I understand CSS, I make custom CSS.
    Thank you.

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