Logo on non-home-page only?

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  • #51931


    I have an image that I want to use for the slider on the landing page–I’ll just have one image, not a slider. The image includes the site logo and title, so I have disabled them from showing in the header section. Is there a way to get the logo to show in the header on all other pages and just not on the landing page?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Leave the logo active all the time and hide it on the homepage with CSS:

    .home #branding #logo {
        display: none;
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Zed. Reason: corrected answer

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    Ok, so I’m just learning CSS and I’m not sure where to put the code you gave me. I tried in “additional CSS”, but that didn’t work, so I tried in various places–in style.css it took it hid it on all the pages.

    I was trying to put it in the landing-page.php file and when that didn’t work I deleted the code, but apparently I have a stray bracket or something and now I can’t get into any file at all to try to find my error. I get a “parse error” message. I can’t even logout. I’m stuck. This is not a live website, so not tragic or urgent (but it feels kind of urgent), but is there a way out of this? I tried just closing the browser and now I can’t get back in at all. Is there a way to recover? And if not, how do I just start over?

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    Ok, I got back in with some help from my hosting company. Phew!

    I’m still not sure where to put the css you provided.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Simple CSS customizations should go in the Additional CSS field in the customizer interface (or you can use a custom CSS plugin to apply extra CSS to your site).

    Complex customizations should be performed through child themes.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    I put it in the Additional CSS field–that was the first thing I tried–but it makes the logo/title disappear on every page, not just the homepage. Do I need something in the CSS to specify just the homepage?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Sorry, I’ve updated the CSS above to make it only apply to the homepage.

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    Thank you! I thought it needed something to specify homepage only, but didn’t know what I needed to do.

    I had to put a comma between #branding and #logo and now it’s working.

    .home #branding, #logo {
        display: none;
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