Links broken since upgrade

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  • #8463

    Since the latest update there appears to be a problem with links between pages.
    Old links are fine but new posts don’t link back to the page correctly.

    So with a recent posts widget, when I select the post, the new post gets a page not found error. If I go in to edit the post and save, then click view page, I get page not found.

    If I go to the post page, the post is there and if I got to the archive list the post is there also.

    Has anyone else found this or is it just me?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Links are not controlled by the theme.

    Check your permalinks settings and make sure they are correct (Settings > Permalinks).

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Hi Zed,

    Thank you for the info. The permalinks appear to be OK. The problem was only manifesting itself on the last post I made, which I had done just after I installed the latest Mantra update. I therefore assumed incorrectly that this was the reason for the error. Having checked that the permalink setting was correct and with the knowledge that the theme was not to blame. I decided that there must be some data corruption so I deleted that post and re-did it. The problem seems to have resolved itself.

    I think somehow, that the post id had become corrupted. The post was visible on the posts page (called article blog) and the title was visible in the Archive and Recent Post widgets but if you clicked on the widget links or the “more” link from within the post itself it came up with the 404 error page.

    Anyway, it is all resolved now. Thank you for your help.

    I really like the versatility of your theme and have used it on my friend’s website too. Her website is called I have three more domains which I will be setting up shortly and intend to use your theme on all of those as well.

    Many thanks for your help

    Carole Puttick

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