Layout on home page- Posts in sidebar, sidebar in footer

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  • #13632

    Hello all,

    This evening I went to my home page and everything regarding my layout was amiss. I have two posts showing partially in my sidebar, my sidebar is now at the bottom, and my footer space is expanded across the entire width of the posting area. The issue is only occurring on the home page and is rectified when I click on an individual post. The only settings that were changed were to my header (to be 350 px) and for my posting area to be a fixed 800px and my sidebar to 250px. I cleared all caches, disabled plugins and reset my prior settings, but the issue remains. I also switched themes and when I did, the posts were showing up fine. I’m a bit of a newb and have tried everything I can think of and that was laid out in the bug instructions to try before posting. Can anyone help me figure this out?


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