Landing Page – Text Area – edit or delete the text content

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  • #96999


    Currently, the default of the text content on the text area of the landing page is the page content.

    I am wondering if I can have unique content for the text content (example summary of the page). If that is not possible, to remove the text content altogether.

    Thank you.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The text areas are designed to display the full page content (and featured image, if set). To change this to the excerpt instead, you’d need to customize some theme code (namely the roseta_lptext() function which retrieves the page attributes that will be used)

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    Do I have to modify the roseta_lptext_output() as well or just modifying the roseta_lptext() be good enough?

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by eymlee.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by eymlee.
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The _lptext() function is responsible for retrieving the source content which will be displayed in the text area, while the _lptext_output() function handles the actual (markup) output (using the previously retrieved content).

    Depending on what part of the workflow you want to alter, you’ll need to customize one, the other, or both.

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    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The first identifier in the apply_filters() call tells WordPress which (existing) filters to use for that call. In this case it applies the same filters as applied on excerpts to the data returned by the second argument – the get_the_excerpt( 'excerpt', $pageid ) call.

    This is the code returning the excerpt of the page which you need to change to return full content instead.

    WordPress has a get_the_content() function that can be used instead, but parameters will need adjusting and care should be taken for the details provided in the ‘more information’ section of that page.

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