May 29th, 2015 at 15:58 #31994
Marco Marangio
I have a problem in changing my site, based on the theme “tempera” (v 1.2.8) on wordpress (4.2.2). After the latest update, the menu dedicated “Tempera settings” prevents me from opening any type of window (page presentation, layout Tempera, colors etc … ) making impossible any kind of modification. The same thing happens for widgets: I can not update them or add them. I can only add new posts. I tried with different operating systems (Windows 7 and Ubuntu) and with different browsers (Chrome and Firefox), but the result does not change. I hope you can help me. Thank you.May 30th, 2015 at 15:54 #32002salen555
Try to disable all plugins.
I had the same problem when I disabled all plugins everything worked.
The only thing I have not solved is that I can not save changes.
when I try to save changes or reset to defaults page redirects to www…./options.php(google chrom, firefox)
or shows an error 406 message (ie)June 2nd, 2015 at 06:18 #32036Phyll
I am having the same problem. I was working on a site this afternoon and thought it was the browser, so I changed from Chrome to Firefox and I was able to update. Tonight I can’t update anything. It shows the change in the dashboard, but not on the site. I was trying to change text on a widget and even deleted the widget… the text still shows. I have disabled all plugins, but it didn’t make a difference. If someone figures it out, please post. Thanks!
June 4th, 2015 at 19:50 #32051cafi
Same here!
My web page is totally fall to pieces. I was resetted, reinstalled the theme, deactivated the plugins etc. etc. nothing helped so far.I can’t save Tempera settings !! (???)
Im going crazy, please someone help!
June 6th, 2015 at 09:19 #32078Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindMarco, try to debug plugins to see which one is interfering. If Appearance > Widgets is failing to work for you then the issue is definitely not the theme.
Salen, there may be some server configuration issues, or the server is limiting the length of POST submission data. Is this a fresh clean install or is it a moved (developed locally and then transferred) WordPress? Which server software is your system running (Apache / nginx + version, PHP version). Also try to take a look in the error log.
Phyll, you’re using a caching plugin so you will usually not see the latest changes done to the site. Disable it when changing things or clear/empty cache after every change.
Cafi, does the theme’s setting page work? What errors are you getting when saving? (blank page? permissions error?). Is there anything more helpful in the server error log?
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