i have a problema in presentation page

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  • #15749

    Hi, i have a problem, how to remove from the submission page 6 windows, or somehow work them?
    Fully customizable
    No need to edit files or learn to program, everything you want to change is just a mouse click away with a plethora of theme settings. If you like to get your hands dirty though, child themes are also fully supported.
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    Tablets, phones, iThings and Androids, portrait and landscape modes – Tempera will take the shape of its container and will fit anywhere. Just like an internet cat.
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    Endless Fonts
    Tempera comes bundled with a huge array of great fonts, but it also supports Google fonts. Just type the font name in the theme settings and you’re set.
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    Layouts and Page Templates
    Defy confinement! Everything should be where you want it to be, how you want it to be.Resize and rearrange the content and sidebars to your liking. ‘Magazine’ and ‘Bog’ layouts are also just around the corner.
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    Presentation Page
    It may seem pretty peculiar presenting the Presentation Page while presently peering at the Presentation Page itself. But it’s worth mentioning that everything you see: titles, text, slides, animations, columns and more are all editable via the theme settings.
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    HTML5, CSS3 and more
    Tempera can hold an unlimited amount of columns and we could’ve filled them all with more perks and features but we choose to leave something to your imagination.
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    I do not understand how and where to find the way to use them, the rest is really good


    In Tempera Settings> Presentation Page Columns, select the source of the content and how many columns you want in the row.

    If you choose Widget Columns as your source:
    Go to Appearance > Widget > Presentation Page Columns > Cryout Columns (drag the widget into the Presentation Page Columns box from the widget list on the left – you can have as many as you like) and then add your content within the Cryout Columns settings.

    ~ Wayfarer

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Thanks a lot for your responses Wayfarer. I just want to add that we’ll also create a small tutorial about this as some users are having a hard time finding finding those options.

    Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
    Please read the FAQs: MantraNirvanaParabolaTempera
    Tutorials: custom menustranslating themeinstalling themecategory page with introdisabling comments Wordpress: child themescategories/posts
    Before making any modifications to your theme we strongly recommend using Child Themes.

    Oh you’re welcome Kay 🙂

    If the theme users can help each other with the basics, it frees you and your team up to focus on the tougher things..

    ~ Wayfarer


    I cannot see where to edit what is currently in the columns. I have no idea where it is!
    I want to change the pictures and the text above it and it would be really easy if I could navigate to them and make my changes. PLEASE tell me where the heck I can go to edit the pictures that are already visible on the presentation page and change the text and images?
    Everything else is so easy to edit in fact easier than any other of these that I have done (only 2) but this is driving me insane trying to edit something that should be so simple!


    Hi George

    As indicated in this thread:
    In Tempera Settings> Presentation Page Columns, select the source of the content and how many columns you want in the row.

    If you choose Widget Columns as your source:
    Go to Appearance > Widget > Presentation Page Columns > Cryout Columns (drag the widget into the Presentation Page Columns box from the widget list on the left – you can have as many as you like) and then add your content within the Cryout Columns settings.

    Cryout Column Widget
    Inside the widget (click the down arrow on the top right corner) there are places to put links to the image you wish to use, the title for the box, the text to go in the box, and a link if you want to add one.

    ~ Wayfarer


    I think the issue here, and this is what I am experiencing, is that the 6 Cryout Column Widgets that are initially on the presentation page (Fully customizable, Responsive, Endless Fonts, Layouts and Page Templates, Presentation Page, HTML5, CSS3 and more) are not showing up on the Appearance > Widget > Presentation Page Columns > Cryout Columns space so there is no way to drag then out (ie: remove them) or edit them.

    I can drag a new Cryout Column Widget in and once created it seems to delete the original 6 and add the new one I have made. If I drag the new one that I made out and the space is empty then the original 6 are back in.

    I believe this is what is confusing people. If I understand things correctly the original 6 are NOT editable and will be removed as soon as the user adds a Cryout Column widget that they have made on their own. Is this correct?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Yes, the original 6 are sample content, they are not editable and disappear as soon as you add your own columns.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Thanks! You completely solved my problem! You guys are awesome!

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