I can't get rid of Sample page

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  • #56781

    I have deleted the sample page on a website I am building and it does not show up in pages category or on the menu but when I go to the website Sample Page heading and content are posted under where the home page content ends. How do I get rid of it? It does not show up in the code or on the visual of the home page.

    Website: rickredmanphotography.com

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Zed. Reason: moved to correct forum

    Hi Absimm, when it is deletet and does not stop showing up, it is a matter of cache memories. Clear the cache from your browsers and if, from website.
    Otherwise go to desing -> customize -> landing page -> Text Areas
    There you can select or switch off this sections on home page.
    Good luck, Christian

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