How to remove or edit Widget Column?

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  • #34346
    Amit Srivastav

    Hi Everyone,

    I just downloaded Tempera theme on my WordPress website (Jungle of Success) and want remove/edit widget column… I tried every possible things but could not do… can you please help me.


    Did You try ” Design – Widgets” in WP-dashboard?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    In English installs it’s Appearance > Widgets.

    We also have a tutorial about this.

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    When I first came upon the page/theme you were able to see both the widgets I had, plus the posts (with the first paragraph preview.) Now however, I can only see one or the other. Is there a way to have both?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Ken, I don’t quite understand your question. Could you expand it?

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    Ken J

    Hello Zed.

    If you look at my site originally (, you can see under the large image I first have my 3 widgets, and then under that are the posts with the first paragraph previewed. (Under Presentation Page in appearance Columns Content is set as “Widget Columns.”

    On the current version of the site however, if I select Widget Columns, it will only show the widgets and cut the page off right there ( I can not get the posts to be displayed under them. When I chose columns content “Latest Posts” I can then get them to preview, but then the widgets only display on my footer.

    I am hoping to take the format I have on the first site, and apply it to the 2nd site. I am just not sure what the difference in settings is that is causing the discrepancy.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Check the contents of the widgets on the problematic site. You may have errors that break the layout (HTML) or functionality (PHP – are you using shortcodes in the widgets?)

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Hello Zed, I am not too sure. I didn’t make any changes in the editor with the widgets. The three I am using are currently sitting in both the footers and Presentation Page within the Widgets tab. If I choose “Latest Posts” however for Columns Content, it won’t display the widgets in the Presentation area. When I choose “Widget Columns” though the Posts underneath (and footer) disappear.

    It does sound like a layout/html issue but am not too sure how to fix it. To find errors breaking the layout, would I need to look for something specific within the Editor/HTML?

    (Does the $25 donation provide tech support to look further into this?)

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