I’d like to ad an add (i.e. adsense) between the first and second post, the second and the third, and between the third and fourth post (On the Start Page and Category Pages).
Like This:
First Post/Excerpt
Second Post/Excerpt
Third Post/Excerpt
Fourth Post/Excerpt
NO ads anymore
I found some Code Examples for doing something like this, i.e. this example for adding an ad between the first and second post:
$postcounter = 1; // set counter to 1 for ads
if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : $postcounter = $postcounter + 1;
the_post(); ?>
<!– do stuff –>
<?php if(2 == $postcounter) {
<div id=”adsbetween”>
<– Place ad code here –>
; } ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
It is not exactly what I’m looking for, since i want 3 and not 1 ad between the first three/four posts.
So I have 2 Questions:
1. Which php file do I have to modify for the Start Page and Category Pages?
2. How do I have to change the example Code, in order to have ads between the first 3 posts?
Would be great if someone could help me out with that…