Headings – Google Fonts Becomes "All Content" Font on Mobile Devices

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  • #42559

    Under Customizing ▸ Typography > Content Fonts… I changed the “Headings” font, by adding the Google Font “Satisfy” which is a cursive font that looks great for all the headings on this website to match the logo. This does exactly what I want it to do on the computer browser. However, when I view the website on a mobile platform, ALL of the content font is changed to the “Satisfy” font which makes it very difficult to read the entire website in cursive on a mobile device. I can’t for the life of me figure out why this would happen. It only happens on mobile devices. When I reduce the window size on the computer browser to view as though it was a mobile device, it does not happen. However, whenever it is pulled up on my phone or anybody else’s phone, the entire site is in cursive. Is there a fix to this or is it a bug that needs to be fixed?

    Website: www.doggiedutie.com

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Looking at your site right now, I don’t see this problem.

    It seems that you’ve set the general font to Comic Sans MS (which is a Microsoft-only font). This will only be usable on Windows and will be replaced with alternatives on other OS devices – on my phone, for example, the alternative font is rather neutral.
    On other devices this may not be the case and you may see a weirder font.

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