header image

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  • #118586

    how do I delete the nice “women with a pen”? I tried to change the image everywhere but it still is on the landing page…

    Website: kerrin.ch

    Cryout Creations mastermind


    The image displayed in the theme by default on the landing page (homepage), below the menu, is not the configured header image but a banner image placeholder, which is configurable from the theme’s options under Landing Page > Slider.

    The sample image is not visible in the customizer panel. To replace it simply assign a different image. To remove the sample image assign any other image in its place and then remove it.

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Thanks for your reply, but that’s what I tried to do and it didn’t work… It showed the new picture in the sidebar but it just wouldn’t take the old one out.
    I now had to use another theme for the time being, but I might be able to test it on another website.

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