October 14th, 2015 at 11:30 #33937Saskia
I really like the Nirvana theme and the fact that it is easily customizable. The only thing I am struggling with is to set a page to full width. No there is a clear container, left and right side of page remain with a white margin. I have tried different things (in my childtheme), creating a new full-width page template, but it does not work. I cannot find where this is controlled in the style.css or any other php file.
I would be very grateful if someone could show me were I can change these settings and how I should adapt my full-widht page template. This is how I have configured it now (only removed the sidebar, but have tried lots of other things too).
Thank you so much in advance.
Template Name: Full Width
if ($nirvana_frontpage==”Enable” && is_front_page() && ‘posts’ == get_option( ‘show_on_front’ )): get_template_part( ‘frontpage’ );
else :
?><section id=”container” class=”<?php echo nirvana_get_layout_class(); ?>”>
<div id=”content” role=”main-full”>
<?php cryout_before_content_hook(); ?><?php get_template_part( ‘content/content’, ‘page’); ?>
<?php cryout_after_content_hook(); ?>
</div><!– #content –>
</section><!– #container –><?php
?>October 27th, 2015 at 23:30 #34033ZedCryout Creations mastermindThe theme’s existent “One Column (no sidebar)” page template should work for this scenario.
If a page using this template displays empty sidebars, make sure that in case you are using a caching plugin you keep CSS minification disabled in it.
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