Force excerpt instead of full post on category archives

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  • #34047

    How do I get just the archive and featured image to show up on category archive pages? I have the Post Excerpt Settings in the customization section set to “Excerpt” and the main wordpress feed setting as “Excerpt”, but I’m still getting the full post rather than an excerpt.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme has several options controlling excerpts.
    Check that the Archive and Category Pages option under Post Information Settings is set to Excerpts.

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Yes, Under “Post Excerpt Settings” > “Home Page” “Sticky Posts” and “Archive and Category Pages” are all set to “Excerpt”. Any other theme settings that might be interfering? It’s still showing up as the full post content in the category archives.

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