Footer transparency not working properly

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  • #29344

    I’m using Tempera, which is absolutely wonderful. However, it seems that if I set the background color of my footer to transparent (rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)), the background image does not show through because it seems that the footer background is somewhat “anchored” or placed on top of the main body, so that instead of the background image, the color of the main body shows through.

    I cannot give the link to my website because it’s supposed to be confidential at this stage, but I really hope you understand what I’m talking about.

    Can you please help me with this one? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


    Here’s a screenshot of the issue I’m talking about.

    This is the image of the footer in full opacity:

    And this is the footer with 0.3 opacity:

    I was kinda hoping that the background image would show through.

    I hope someone could help. Thanks!


    Oops. The images didn’t post.

    No transparency:No transparency footer

    With 0.3 Opacity: 0.3 opacity


    0.3 opacity


    Just an addition, I have tried the transparency property for the main body with #main {background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0)} and it worked, but didn’t with the footer.

    For the footer code, I just added the same code to my custom CSS but replaced “#main” with “#footer2” and that’s how it turned out.

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