Font size – Extra Text

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  • #12029

    Thank you very much for such an incredible theme!
    I am still working my way around so my apologies if this is a trivial question…

    – How can I change the font size of the text located at:
    parabola settings–>PRESENTATION PAGE—> EXTRA –> TOP TITLE

    I have tried adding HTML tags (which work in the field “BottomText1” below) but the tags do not work on the “Top Title” field.

    Any pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You’ll need CSS to change the size of those two titles:

    #front-text1 h1 { font-size: size; }
    #front-text2 h1 { font-size: size; }

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    Hey Zed/Kay,

    Same issue but I am not very smart with CSS – do I just go to the editor and paste that line in under the ‘headings’ section in the code, entering my options after the semi colon?

    E.G. If I wanted to make that font smaller I could;

    #front-text1 h1 { font-size:14pt size;20px } #front-text2 h1 { font-size:14pt size;20px }

    Then I can change the h1, pt and px till I like it..?

    I am probably waaay off.. please let me know if it’s an easy enough fix, I’m just looking to reduce the size of the huge text “Hover cursor over ‘Our Products’ on top menu to browse by type” that’s currently on the site.

    Great theme btw. Cheers,

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