Fluida is an awesome theme I really like it after experimenting with lots of others. However I have one small but important gripe. I use a lot of bullets on my site and the alignment isn’t very good if they wrap onto more than one line.
I’ve put two examples below, one of how it looks now, and one with how it ought to look.
As it stands now, bullets aren’t really readable as a long list of them gets quite messy.
Any ideas how to fix this, i tried some custom css to no avail…
Example from my site (broken):
![Example of bug](https://www.explainnovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Capture.png)
Example of how it ought to look (amended in Paint.net not css):
![how it should look in my opinion](https://www.explainnovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Capture2.png)