January 24th, 2017 at 18:44 #42201
Setting the text content to “excerpt” seems to ignore what is in the excerpt field on the page, and instead takes from text from the body of the page. This would be fine, if it honoured the <!– more –> tag because you could then cut off text you didn’t want to appear?
What I’m expecting if you’ve selected “Blocked Content” to be excerpt
1) Text to be taken fro the excerpt field on the page.
2) If there is no excerpt text, take it from the page content, but use <!–more–> (or something similar) to know where to cut off
3) If there is no <!–more–> tag, cut off after x characters (which could be a setting)Am I being daft and missing something?
This topic was modified 8 years ago by
delanthear. Reason: typo
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January 27th, 2017 at 20:07 #42252I’ve fixed this with a child theme. It looks like that to have post excepts being used properly, a tweak can be made to fluida_custom_excerpt in fluida/includes/core. It doesn’t look at that field at all. It could be tweaked to look for a post excerpt before creating one from the post.
I’ve done it in a hacky way, but might spend some time adding this to the right function.
January 29th, 2017 at 13:18 #42313Here is the function to override in a child theme if you need it:
function fluida_lpblocks() { $maintitle = cryout_get_option('fluida_lpblockmaintitle'); $maindesc = cryout_get_option('fluida_lpblockmaindesc'); $pageids = cryout_get_option( array( 'fluida_lpblockone', 'fluida_lpblocktwo', 'fluida_lpblockthree', 'fluida_lpblockfour') ); $icon = cryout_get_option( array( 'fluida_lpblockoneicon', 'fluida_lpblocktwoicon', 'fluida_lpblockthreeicon', 'fluida_lpblockfouricon' ) ); $blockscontent = cryout_get_option( 'fluida_lpblockscontent' ); $blocksclick = cryout_get_option( 'fluida_lpblocksclick' ); $count = 1; $pagecount = count (array_filter( $pageids ) ); if ( empty( $pagecount ) ) return; ?> <section class="lp-blocks lp-blocks-rows-<?php echo absint( $pagecount ); ?>"> <?php if( ! empty( $maintitle ) || ! empty( $maindesc ) ) { ?> <div class="lp-section-header"> <?php if( ! empty( $maintitle ) ) { ?><h2 class="lp-section-title"> <?php echo do_shortcode( wp_kses_post( $maintitle ) ); ?></h2><?php } ?> <?php if( ! empty( $maindesc ) ) { ?><div class="lp-section-desc"> <?php echo do_shortcode( wp_kses_post( $maindesc ) ); ?></div><?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="lp-blocks-inside"> <?php foreach ( $pageids as $key => $pageid ) { if ( !empty( $pageid ) ) { $page = get_post( $pageid ); switch ( $blockscontent ) { case '2': $text = ''; break; case '1': $text = $page->post_content; break; case '0': default: if ( ! empty( $page->post_excerpt ) ) { $text = fluida_custom_excerpt( $page->post_excerpt ); } else { $text = fluida_custom_excerpt( $page->post_content ); } break; }; $data[$count] = array( 'title' => $page->post_title, 'text' => $text, 'icon' => ( ( $icon[$key . 'icon'] != 'no-icon' ) ? $icon[$key . 'icon'] : '' ), 'link' => get_permalink( $pageid ), 'click' => $blocksclick, 'id' => $count, ); fluida_lpblock_output( $data[$count] ); $count++; } } ?> </div> </section> <?php } //fluida_lpblocks()
February 5th, 2017 at 16:59 #42487Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindThanks for pointing this out. We’ll try to include support for the custom excerpt in the next update.
If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.February 6th, 2017 at 15:06 #42519Great 🙂
March 28th, 2017 at 01:17 #43532I’ve encountered the same problem with the Nirvana theme. Could you please include support for custom excerpt in Nirvana as well?
Thanks!March 28th, 2017 at 13:29 #43535Just upgraded to Fluida 1.3.0 The new theme doesn’t pull anything for except at all now even though it’s populated on the pages.
April 2nd, 2017 at 22:09 #43653Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindPages don’t normally have excerpts in WordPress. How are you defining these excerpts?
If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.April 2nd, 2017 at 22:55 #43666Weird. It’s just there:
Website: www.rockrunrelax.co.uk
April 2nd, 2017 at 22:58 #43667Ah! It’s hidden by default on pages. You turn it on from the screen options:
April 3rd, 2017 at 11:17 #43685Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindThere is no excerpt for pages under the Screen Options by default, so you must be using a plugin (or custom code) to activate it.
However, we figured out what was missing and support for the non-existent 🙂 page excerpts will work in the next update.
If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.April 3rd, 2017 at 16:58 #43695Something very odd going on. I’ve don’t have a plugin for it, and I’m using your theme and the override for displaying it needs to be placed in the functions.php file.
My other blog, using default twenty fifteen theme, and no plugins (as I don’t use excepts at all on that blog) doesn’t display excepts, but it’s there in the screen options drop down to enable!
April 7th, 2017 at 13:18 #43811Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindThe override can be part of any file that gets loaded by WordPress, not necessarily the theme’s functions.php.
Maybe you’re running a customized WordPress version?
If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.April 14th, 2017 at 18:17 #43931Very very weird. Just created a new install, added all the same themes and plugins and the option isn’t there. I’ve no idea how I made it appear!
Never mind. Thanks for adding the ability 😀
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