Edit Social Media Icon Alt Tag displayed on hover

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  • #5075
    Todd Kile

    I changed one of the social media icons to display a home page icon. Now I am trying to figure out how to change the alt tage to display “Home Page” on hover instaed of the original social media icon name. Can I modify this alt tag?


    Todd Kile

    I figured it out. Here is what I did.

    1. Created a HomePage.png file and transferred to ../wp-content/themes/mantra/images/social/

    2. Edited sanitize.php in ../mantra.admin/

    3. Changed “Delicious” in string to “HomePage” (wasnt using Delicious)

    4. Selected “HomePage” in WordPress – Appearance/Mantra Settings/Social Media Settings

    That worked.




    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You will lose that change when you update Mantra the next time.

    See question C24 in the FAQs for the proper way to do this.

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