I currently have 3 columns on my main presentation page that display the latest posts. Every post has a featured image and the images are currently scaled/skewed in the column thumbnails (even when I check “Crop images to exact size” in the Featured Image Settings, which either means this checkbox is broken or it doesn’t work on the presentation page feature images). I’ve read elsewhere in the forum that the suggested solution to this is to upload featured images that are the appropriate dimensions for the thumbnail (in my case, 201×301). Having to take this extra step of opening an image editor to crop an image for every post that I make is quite a hassle, and I’d like to be able to change the function that selects the images once and be done with it.
I assume I’d use the WP function to do a hard crop from the center (I don’t particularly care about what gets cropped out in the image), like this:
add_image_size( 'custom-size', 201, 301, true );
But I don’t know where to put it or what to have it reference. I’ve searched through what feels like every PHP file in the theme and haven’t been able to locate what I’m looking for. Maybe I’m looking for the wrong thing. Is this something anyone can help me with?