Easiest way to add a Shop to my Nirvana page

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  • #31819
    Amy Latta

    OK, so I know enough to be dangerous, but clearly don’t know enough in order to add a Shop to my Nirvana-themed webpage.
    I installed WooCommerce and now it’s a hot mess.
    I know that there is a download from Cryout Creations, but I don’t know what the heck to do with it. I don’t know where to begin to change code.
    I just need one page to list a couple of items for readers and followers to buy.

    http://www.AmyLatta.com – you’ll see that when I installed it, it added pages to my website I don’t want across the top. I just want to add Shop to the last tab, and let additional pages come out of there.

    HELP. Please. I’m lost.

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