Displaying Slide on Home Page

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  • #28367

    How to get slider to display on my home page, nothing is working. The presentation page setting is enabled already.


    i’m in love with nirvana template, but, after created mi own pages, the headers sliders don’t show on any pages…what i need to do?
    Thank you!


    I just went through this myself. If you hover over the question mark next to the “enable” setting it tells you: Go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading and set “Front page displays as” to the Your Latest Posts button. Then the presentation becomes active.


    I did everything that Phoebe said on December 2nd above; nothing works. I cannot get the latest or random posts to show on the presentation slide. Any suggestions?

    Cathie B

    I am having trouble with the slider. If I nominate ‘latest posts’ in the slider setting and then publish those posts with a featured image and tick the category as slider they load just fine. But I don’t want the latest post I want just 3 specific posts to remain in the slider. When I choose ‘Specific Posts’ in the slider settings it asks me for the post ID separated by a comma. I don’t know what the post ID is and so I cannot get the slider to appear. How do I load my 3 specific posts into the slider? Thanks Cathie.

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