Different font size for pictures in a post

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  • #41496

    Hi there,

    1) If I add pictures of any size to a post their (sub)titles/descriptions have the same font size as the rest of the text. So, at the moment I need to add <font size="small"> manually for each an every picture.
    2) The subtitle is in italic – it’s a smaller question of design but if possible…
    2) If I add thumbnails to a post and change the font size as described before, there seems to be an additional line feed or line spacing.

    Neither there is an option in the set up plug-in nor is my individual CSS accepted.

    Best regards

    Website: www.weltangucker.de


    I changed style.css

    .caption-simple #content .wp-caption .wp-caption-text {
        position: inherit;
    	padding: 7px 5px; font-size: 75%;
    	font-style: normal; 

    and added font-size. There are several ways to set up the font size, like % or small, larger etc..
    Additionally I changed font-style from italic to normal.
    Another option ist to add font-weight: bold if you wish a bold output.

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