Dates not showing on posts/pages

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  • #8544

    I have recently installed the Mantra theme on my site ( and have noticed that dates are not showing on any of the blog posts or pages. I have enabled both date & time posted to “show” within the Mantra Settings – but this does not seem carrying through.

    I have tried de-activating all my plugins to see if it is due to interference but it has made no difference.

    Can anyone please help me? I would like to at least have dates on my individual blog posts as it seems to defeat the object otherwise not being able to tell when they were posted! (N.B dates are showing up on the comments – but not on the actual post, nor in the overall “Blog” page which has excerpts of all the posts – ie.

    Thank you,

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The post date and everything next to it until the “meta bar” option are actually hidden together with the meta bar if that one is also disabled.

    Re-enable the meta bar and all information set to appear will appear together with it.

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.

    Oh, it worked!! 🙂 Thank you so much, Zed! I feel a bit stupid – it was so simple – but I didn’t realise that the ‘meta bar’ controlled everything else.

    Thanks again,

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