Custom JavaScript Under Misc Settings Problem

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  • #10174

    Good Day!

    I am trying to add the web site satisfaction survey JavaScript script from Google Surveys. I was trying to use the Custom JavaScript box under Miscellaneous Settings (Mantra 2.0.6). I place the code in there:

    <script async="" defer="" src="//"></script>

    and do a save. Problem is that it does not remain there and does not go into the code. I noticed in the help bubble, you state that script tags are not needed. That is a true statement if you are placing an inline script (I tested that and it works fine). Problem is that to include a script by reference (i.e. src=), Mantra strips the script tags leaving nothing.

    I am looking through the code to see if there is a quick fix – I dread adding something hard-coded because it gets lost with updates. Any thoughts?

    Thanks for the super theme – I am having a hackers field day mod’ing using the Theme Settings!


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Mantra only allows you to type in what’s between the <script> </script> tags.

    If you need to include an external script, you’ll need to create a child theme and mod the header/footer file there.

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